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SUSE Programi Obuke i Sertifikacija

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server


Linux Enterprise Server Administration

Ovaj kurs je namenjen osobama koje imaju malo iskustva sa Linux operativnim sistemom ali žele da steknu fundamentalno razumevanje SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 operativnog sistema.
  • Osnovama rada u komandnoj liniji, koja predstavlja srce Linux sistema
  • Upravljanjem datotekama i direktorijumima kroz grafičko okruženje i terminal
  • Konfiguracijom osnovnih mrežnih postavki
  • Instalacijom i upravljanjem softverskim paketima
  • Razumevanjem Linux bezbednosnog modela
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Containers and Kubernetes


SUSE CaaS Platform Administration

Ovaj specijalizovani kurs je namenjen sistem administratorima, DevOps inženjerima, sistemskim inženjerima i svima koji žele da se upoznaju sa SUSE CaaS (Container as a Service) Platformom.
  • Proces instalacije i inicijalnu konfiguraciju platforme
  • Upravljanje kontejnerima i njihovim životnim ciklusom
  • Deployment strategije i orkestraciju servisa
  • Monitoring i održavanje klastera
  • Bezbednosne aspekte aplikacija
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Zašto izabrati SUSE obuke i sertifikaciju?

Steknite praktično iskustvo

Naš pristup se zasniva na principu „učenje kroz rad“, gde polaznici aktivno rešavaju izazove sa kojima će se susretati u svojoj svakodnevnoj praksi.

Ostanite relevantni

SUSE sertifikovani profesionalci su izuzetno cenjeni u industriji, sa mnogim organizacijama koje aktivno traže sertifikovane stručnjake za SUSE Linux.

Povećajte svoju vrednost

Kroz naše kurseve, unaprediti ćete svoj profesionalni profil i otvoriti nove karijerene mogućnosti u oblastima DevOps-a, sistemske administracije.

customer testimonial

„Working closely with Cloud Native has allowed me to quickly upskill my team with the skills necessary for OpenShift platform day-to-day operations management.“

Miloš Rakonjac

IT Infrastructure Team Leader – A1 Serbia
“Participating in the team enamblement program was an incredibly enriching experience that has significantly impacted our organization’s approach to containerization and OpenShift.”

Tamara Stаjković

Data Centers and Government Cloud
“We are gratefully acknowledge “Cloud Native d.o.o., Belgrade” for their support in providing the cloud hardware and software resources necessary for the AI research projects.”

PhD Nikola Mirkov

Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes SUSE training unique compared to other Linux certification programs?

SUSE training stands apart through its enterprise-focused approach to Linux and open source technologies. Our curriculum is designed to address real-world challenges faced in enterprise environments, going beyond basic Linux administration to cover advanced topics like cloud integration, containerization, and enterprise-grade security. The training programs are developed by practitioners who work directly with enterprise SUSE implementations, ensuring you learn not just the theoretical foundations but also practical solutions to common enterprise challenges.

How do I know which SUSE training path is right for me?

Choosing the right training path depends on several factors, including your current experience level and career goals. If you’re new to Linux, the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server administration fundamentals provide an essential foundation. This course teaches core concepts like system management, user administration, and basic security principles. For those already working with Linux, our intermediate courses focus on specific technologies like containerization or high availability clustering.

What is the time commitment required for SUSE training?

The time investment varies depending on the course level and delivery format. Traditional instructor-led courses typically run between three to five days of full-time instruction. Each day combines lecture material with hands-on practice, ensuring you can apply concepts as you learn them

How does the SUSE certification process work?

The SUSE certification process is designed to validate real-world skills through practical examination. Unlike traditional multiple-choice tests, SUSE certification exams require you to perform actual system administration tasks in a live environment. The process begins with selecting your certification track – Administrator, Engineer, or Architect. Each level builds upon the previous one, with increasingly complex scenarios and requirements.

What prerequisites are required for different certification levels?

The prerequisites form a logical progression through the certification paths. For the SUSE Certified Administrator (SCA) level, we recommend basic Linux experience but don’t require formal prerequisites. This entry-level certification focuses on fundamental system administration skills. The SUSE Certified Engineer (SCE) level typically requires holding an SCA certification or equivalent experience, as it builds on those foundational skills.

How long are SUSE certifications valid?

SUSE certifications remain valid for three years from the date of completion. This timeframe reflects the rapid evolution of technology while providing stability for certified professionals. To maintain active certification status, you can choose from several renewal options.

What training formats are available for SUSE courses?

We understand that different learning styles and schedules require flexible training options. Our instructor-led classroom training provides direct interaction with SUSE experts, allowing for immediate feedback and collaborative learning. Virtual instructor-led training offers the same benefits while eliminating travel requirements.

What kind of support is available during and after training?

Throughout your training journey, you’ll have access to multiple support channels. During instructor-led courses, you can interact directly with SUSE certified trainers who provide immediate assistance and clarification.

Anything else you’d like to know? Get in touch with our sales team and we’d be happy to discuss your questions.

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Transform your career with SUSE training

Understanding enterprise Linux systems requires more than just theoretical knowledge. Our SUSE training programs combine in-depth technical instruction with practical, hands-on experience.