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Red Hat, SUSE & EnterpriseDB
trainings & certification

Suse Certification Training Programs


With over 25 years of experience in Linux environments, SUSE delivers comprehensive training programs that set the industry standard.

The training methodology emphasizes enterprise-grade solutions and best practices, particularly in areas such as system security, automation, and scalable infrastructure management.

Training Programs

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration (3116)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Advanced Administration (3124)
  • SUSE Rancher Administration (7114)
  • SUSE Manager Administration (3155)
Red Hat Official Training Programs

Red Hat

Red Hat is globally recognized as the premier provider of enterprise Linux solutions and open source technologies.

Their training ecosystem and certification programs represent the gold standard in the industry, setting benchmarks for excellence in Linux administration, cloud computing, and DevOps practices.

Training Programs

  • Red Hat System Administration I (RH124)
  • Red Hat System Administration II (RH134)
  • Red Hat OpenShift Administration I (DO280)
  • Red Hat Ansible Automation (RH294)
EnterpriseDB Official Training Programs


Their training programs are meticulously designed to help organizations harness the full potential of PostgreSQL in demanding enterprise environments.

EnterpriseDB (EDB) stands as the industry leader in enterprise PostgreSQL solutions, delivering comprehensive database management capabilities that extend beyond traditional PostgreSQL functionality.

Training Programs

  • EDB201 Postgres Advanced Server DBA Advanced
  • EDB101 Postgres Advanced Server DBA Essentials
  • PG101 Foundations of PostgreSQL Administration
  • EDB301 EDB Postgres for Developers and Architects

Why Choose Our Training Programs?

Our training programs stand out through a carefully crafted approach that combines academic rigor with practical, real-world application.

Our courses are led by industry veterans who bring extensive real-world experience to the classroom. These instructors don’t just teach the technology.

Our training programs are specifically designed to address the unique every-day of challenges in enterprise environments.

Contact Us

Investing in knowledge is investing in your business’s future. Allow us to help you achieve the next level in your professional development through our official training programs.

Dario Ristić Chief Executive Officer

Enabling your team to tackle the complex challenges of modern enterprise

By partnering with us, you gain access to industry-leading instructors, cutting-edge curriculum, and practical hands-on experience that directly translates to improved operational efficiency and innovation capacity.

How can we help you?

Često Postavljena Pitanja

Želite li još nešto da znate? Stupite u kontakt sa našim prodajnim timom i rado ćemo razgovarati o vašim pitanjima.

Which Red Hat and SUSE certifications are most valuable for my career?

The most sought-after certifications include Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE), Red Hat Certified OpenShift Administrator (RHCSA), and SUSE Certified Administrator (SCA). For cloud-native roles, Red Hat OpenShift certifications are particularly valuable. We can help you choose the right certification path based on your career goals and current experience level.

How long does it typically take to complete a certification course?

Course duration varies by certification level and format. Most foundational courses take 4-5 days of intensive training, while advanced courses may require 5-7 days. Our flexible scheduling options include full-time, part-time, and weekend formats to accommodate your work commitments.

Do you offer hands-on practice environments?

Yes, all our training programs include extensive hands-on lab work in real-world environments. Students get access to dedicated lab systems that mirror enterprise environments, allowing them to practice configurations, troubleshooting, and administration tasks in a safe, controlled setting.

What is included in the initial consultation?

While some improvements can be seen shortly after implementing initial strategies, significant transformation and results typically unfold over several months as we refine and adjust the approach.

Kada se vide prvi rezultate transformacije?

Iako se neka poboljšanja mogu videti ubrzo nakon implementacije početnih strategija, značajna transformacija i rezultati se obično odvijaju tokom nekoliko meseci dok usavršavamo i prilagođavamo pristup.

Koliko dugo traje proces Cloud transformacije?

Trajanje zavisi od složenosti vaše postojeće infrastrukture i vaših specifičnih potreba. Tipičan program može da se kreće od nekoliko nedelja za manja podešavanja do nekoliko meseci za veća, složenija okruženja. Mi krojimo vremenski okvir na osnovu vaših ciljeva i spremnosti.

Kako se putem procesa Cloud transformacije postiže optimizacija troškova?

Kroz optimizaciju resursa, automatizaciju i skalabilnu arhitekturu, pomažemo da se osigura nepotrebno korišćenje hardwerskih resursa. Vodićemo vas u usvajanju mera za uštedu troškova kao što su automatsko skaliranje i nadgledanje, tako da plaćate samo ono što koristite, poboljšavajući efikasnost.

Šta se dešava ako budemo morali da skaliramo našu platformu u budućnosti?

Naši paketi Cloud Transformacije omogućava dugoročni uspeh implementacijom skalabilne arhitekture od početka. Bez obzira da li treba da dodate više servera – nodova, skalirate aplikacije ili proširite na okruženje sa više klastera, platforma će biti spremna da se nosi sa budućim rastom uz minimalne zastoje.

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Build Your Learning Path.

From foundational Linux administration to advanced containerization and automation, we offer the complete spectrum of official Red Hat and SUSE training courses.

Start Learning Today